14 research outputs found

    Short-term load forecasting using esembles of selected and evolved predictors by genetic algorithms

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    Orientador: Takaaki OhishiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia para previsão de séries temporais de carga de energia elétrica de curto prazo. Esta metodologia vem sendo muito utilizada no contexto da previsão de séries temporais e do reconhecimento de padrões. Os autores que propuseram esta metodologia a chamaram de "Ensembles". Este nome tenta explicar o é este modelo: uma combinação de partes que juntas formam um só modelo. Neste sentido, este nome expressa com relativa clareza qual é o principal aspecto desta metodologia, que no caso específico deste trabalho, é o de fazer várias previsões de uma mesma série temporal utilizando diferentes ferramentas que sozinhas são suficientemente competentes para prever a série temporal em questão, e em seguida combinar as soluções para, deste modo, tentar obter uma solução melhor do que quando é usada somente uma ferramenta. As ferramentas usadas para compor a previsão dos "Ensembles" finais são Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) e Redes Neurais Nebulosas. Atualmente, estas redes são largamente utilizadas em problemas de previsão de séries temporais, principalmente quando o fator gerador destas séries é um sistema não-linear. Desta forma, isto as tornou candidatas potenciais para prever valores de uma série de cargas de energia elétrica, pois este tipo de série tem características essencialmente não-lineares. Sendo assim, foram utilizados quatro tipos de redes: RNAs MLPs, RNAs Recorrentes, RNAs de Base Radial e Redes Neurais Nebulosas tipo ANFIS. Com os modelos básicos de redes foram, utilizados Algoritmos Genéticos para evoluir os parâmetros destas redes e, assim, chegar a uma população de redes suficientemente competentes para fazer as previsões da série de cargas. Na próxima etapa, com os resultados das previsões da população de redes evoluídas foi feita a seleção dos melhores agrupamentos destas redes evoluídas e, como este processo requer a avaliação de diferentes configurações de modelos, esta seleção é baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos.Os resultados obtidos ao se utilizar "ensembles" mostraram que este modelo foi capaz de alcançar uma grande robustez na previsão, reduzindo os erros de previsão, suavizando os resultados de previsão e deixando o modelo menos suscetível a grandes erros quando surgem "outliers" no conjunto de dadosAbstract: This work proposes a methodology for short-term electric power load forecasting. This methodology is being widely used under the context of time series prediction and pattern recognition. It was named "ensembles" by the authors who developed it. This name carries the meaning of an assemblage of parts considered as forming a whole. Therefore, this name expresses rather clearly the main characteristic of this methodology, which under the framework of this study is to make several predictions of the same time series using various different tools in which every single one alone is sufficiently competent to predict the above mentioned time series. After that, the predictions are combined in order to achieve a better prediction compared to the one that is obtained if a single predictor is used. The tools implemented to form the final "ensembles" prediction are Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Neuro-fuzzy Networks. Nowadays, these networks are being widely used in time series predictions problems, mainly when the factor that generates these series is a non-linear system. Hence, this fact has elected them as potential candidates to predict future values of an electric power load series because this series has essentially non-linear characteristics. As a result, four types of networks were utilized in this work: MLPs ANNs, Recurrent ANNs, Radial Basis ANNs and ANFIS type Neuro-fuzzy networks. So, with the basic networks models, Genetic Algorithms were applied to evolve the parameters of these networks and, as a consequence, a population of networks sufficiently capable of predicting future values of the load time series was built. On the next step, with the results obtained from the evolved population of networks, a selection of the most suitable results of the individual networks were made and, as soon as this process implies the evaluation of multiple different combinations of models, this methodology was based on Genetic Algorithms. Then, this selected networks were combined. The results when using "ensembles" revealed that this model was able to reach a great robustness in prediction tasks. In that sense, it was possible to reduce the level of prediction error, to smooth the resulting predictions and to make the model more stable reducing the possibilities of presenting high levels of errors when the used data set contains "outliers"MestradoEnergia EletricaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    A genetic-algorithm-based methodology for improving daily voltage profile of power systems

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    Orientador: Takaaki OhishiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A principal contribuição desta tese é a proposta de uma metodologia juntamente com a implementação de um sistema de suporte à decisão para dar subsídio à programação diária de sistemas de potência. Basicamente, a metodologia implementada neste trabalho visa melhorar o perfil das tensões em uma rede de transmissão de energia elétrica através de um ajuste fino dos taps dos transformadores. Este processo de otimização dos taps é feito com a utilização de Algoritmos Genéticos de maneira que, ao final deste processo, seja obtido um conjunto de valores de taps que, se aplicados à rede de transmissão, tornará as tensões mais próximas de um mesmo nível de tensão pré-determinado. Além disto, a abordagem proposta não é somente capaz de analisar uma \fotografia" de carga do sistema, mas também é capaz de realizar uma análise diária (em intervalos horários) para melhorar o perfil de tensão durante um dia completo de operação. A metodologia proposta é avaliada inicialmente com os sistemas IEEE-30 barras e IEEE-118 barras para que, finalmente, fosse aplicada para o sistema interligado nacional (SIN) brasileiro. Além disto, um sistema de suporte à decisão foi implementado durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Tal sistema poderia ser usado para proporcionar ao operador do sistema de transmissão meios de avaliar os fluxos da rede através de uma execução de análises de sensibilidade quanto às possíveis utuações de carga em tempo de operação e também avaliar cenários de contingênciasAbstract: The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of a new methodology together with the implementation of a decision support system for real-time transmission grid operation. Hence, a methodology for improving voltage pro- _le for power transmission systems is described in this thesis. Basically, it consists in tuning the transformers taps in a way that the buses voltages in the same area would stay around a pre-specified level. Genetic Algorithms are applied for this optimization process in a way that, at the end of this process, a set of taps values that can drive the power system's voltage closer to a desired voltage level (if applied to it) is obtained. Furthermore, the proposed approach is not only able to analyze a static \picture" of power load, but also to cope with the issue of programming the hourly daily tap strategy according to the variations of the daily load profile. The proposed methodology is first evaluated with the \IEEE-30-bus" and with the \IEEE-118-bus" test cases so that it could be finally applied to the Brazilian interconnected national power system. Besides, a decision support system was implemented during the progress of the work. Such system was designed in a way that it could be possibly used by a grid operator in order to evaluate load flows and also to develop many different studies by analyzing the system's sensitiveness to the load variations at real time operation and also by evaluating a variety of contingencies scenariosDoutoradoEnergia EletricaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Neural-Based Ensembles and Unorganized Machines to Predict Streamflow Series from Hydroelectric Plants

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    Estimating future streamflows is a key step in producing electricity for countries with hydroelectric plants. Accurate predictions are particularly important due to environmental and economic impact they lead. In order to analyze the forecasting capability of models regarding monthly seasonal streamflow series, we realized an extensive investigation considering: six versions of unorganized machines—extreme learning machines (ELM) with and without regularization coefficient (RC), and echo state network (ESN) using the reservoirs from Jaeger’s and Ozturk et al., with and without RC. Additionally, we addressed the ELM as the combiner of a neural-based ensemble, an investigation not yet accomplished in such context. A comparative analysis was performed utilizing two linear approaches (autoregressive model (AR) and autoregressive and moving average model (ARMA)), four artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron, radial basis function, Elman network, and Jordan network), and four ensembles. The tests were conducted at five hydroelectric plants, using horizons of 1, 3, 6, and 12 steps ahead. The results indicated that the unorganized machines and the ELM ensembles performed better than the linear models in all simulations. Moreover, the errors showed that the unorganized machines and the ELM-based ensembles reached the best general performances

    Neural-Based Ensembles and Unorganized Machines to Predict Streamflow Series from Hydroelectric Plants

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    Estimating future streamflows is a key step in producing electricity for countries with hydroelectric plants. Accurate predictions are particularly important due to environmental and economic impact they lead. In order to analyze the forecasting capability of models regarding monthly seasonal streamflow series, we realized an extensive investigation considering: six versions of unorganized machines—extreme learning machines (ELM) with and without regularization coefficient (RC), and echo state network (ESN) using the reservoirs from Jaeger’s and Ozturk et al., with and without RC. Additionally, we addressed the ELM as the combiner of a neural-based ensemble, an investigation not yet accomplished in such context. A comparative analysis was performed utilizing two linear approaches (autoregressive model (AR) and autoregressive and moving average model (ARMA)), four artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron, radial basis function, Elman network, and Jordan network), and four ensembles. The tests were conducted at five hydroelectric plants, using horizons of 1, 3, 6, and 12 steps ahead. The results indicated that the unorganized machines and the ELM ensembles performed better than the linear models in all simulations. Moreover, the errors showed that the unorganized machines and the ELM-based ensembles reached the best general performances

    Selection of Temporal Lags for Predicting Riverflow Series from Hydroelectric Plants Using Variable Selection Methods

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    The forecasting of monthly seasonal streamflow time series is an important issue for countries where hydroelectric plants contribute significantly to electric power generation. The main step in the planning of the electric sector\u2019s operation is to predict such series to anticipate behaviors and issues. In general, several proposals of the literature focus just on the determination of the best forecasting models. However, the correct selection of input variables is an essential step for the forecasting accuracy, which in a univariate model is given by the lags of the time series to forecast. This task can be solved by variable selection methods since the performance of the predictors is directly related to this stage. In the present study, we investigate the performances of linear and non-linear filters, wrappers, and bio-inspired metaheuristics, totaling ten approaches. The addressed predictors are the extreme learning machine neural networks, representing the non-linear approaches, and the autoregressive linear models, from the Box and Jenkins methodology. The computational results regarding five series from hydroelectric plants indicate that the wrapper methodology is adequate for the non-linear method, and the linear approaches are better adjusted using filters

    Educação contemporânea: caminhos, obstáculos e travessias

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    Educação contemporânea - caminhos, obstáculos e travessias, organizado por Arilda Inês Miranda Ribeiro, Irineu Aliprando Tuim Viotto Filho, Monica Fürkotter e Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite, é um compêndio de artigos que indicam rumos para se discutir e praticar métodos educacionais mais humanizados na era contemporânea. Formadores em cursos de licenciatura e projetos de desenvolvimento profissional de professores, os autores saem do lugar comum ao falar de assuntos complexos como violência e indisciplina, educação sexual, religião, uso de tecnologias no ensino e políticas públicas para educação infantil. No caso de violência e indisciplina, por exemplo, que a maioria das dissertações acadêmicas aborda como se fossem problemas exclusivos das escolas públicas, embora ocorram igualmente nas particulares, os autores lembram que não se pode dizer que sejam questão, unicamente, de ordem econômica e social. O livro sugere que há uma perspectiva de mudança do mundo contemporâneo, uma vez que a educação representa uma possibilidade real de transformação da condição humana e da realidade objetiva, ainda que não seja a única

    Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care units: analysis of the extended prevalence of infection in intensive care unit study

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    Item does not contain fulltextOBJECTIVES: To provide a global, up-to-date picture of the prevalence, treatment, and outcomes of Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients and compare Candida with bacterial bloodstream infection. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of the Extended Prevalence of Infection in the ICU Study (EPIC II). Demographic, physiological, infection-related and therapeutic data were collected. Patients were grouped as having Candida, Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and combined Candida/bacterial bloodstream infection. Outcome data were assessed at intensive care unit and hospital discharge. SETTING: EPIC II included 1265 intensive care units in 76 countries. PATIENTS: Patients in participating intensive care units on study day. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULTS: Of the 14,414 patients in EPIC II, 99 patients had Candida bloodstream infections for a prevalence of 6.9 per 1000 patients. Sixty-one patients had candidemia alone and 38 patients had combined bloodstream infections. Candida albicans (n = 70) was the predominant species. Primary therapy included monotherapy with fluconazole (n = 39), caspofungin (n = 16), and a polyene-based product (n = 12). Combination therapy was infrequently used (n = 10). Compared with patients with Gram-positive (n = 420) and Gram-negative (n = 264) bloodstream infections, patients with candidemia were more likely to have solid tumors (p < .05) and appeared to have been in an intensive care unit longer (14 days [range, 5-25 days], 8 days [range, 3-20 days], and 10 days [range, 2-23 days], respectively), but this difference was not statistically significant. Severity of illness and organ dysfunction scores were similar between groups. Patients with Candida bloodstream infections, compared with patients with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bloodstream infections, had the greatest crude intensive care unit mortality rates (42.6%, 25.3%, and 29.1%, respectively) and longer intensive care unit lengths of stay (median [interquartile range]) (33 days [18-44], 20 days [9-43], and 21 days [8-46], respectively); however, these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Candidemia remains a significant problem in intensive care units patients. In the EPIC II population, Candida albicans was the most common organism and fluconazole remained the predominant antifungal agent used. Candida bloodstream infections are associated with high intensive care unit and hospital mortality rates and resource use

    Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care units: analysis of the extended prevalence of infection in intensive care unit study

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    To provide a global, up-to-date picture of the prevalence, treatment, and outcomes of Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients and compare Candida with bacterial bloodstream infection. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of the Extended Prevalence of Infection in the ICU Study (EPIC II). Demographic, physiological, infection-related and therapeutic data were collected. Patients were grouped as having Candida, Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and combined Candida/bacterial bloodstream infection. Outcome data were assessed at intensive care unit and hospital discharge. SETTING: EPIC II included 1265 intensive care units in 76 countries. PATIENTS: Patients in participating intensive care units on study day. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULTS: Of the 14,414 patients in EPIC II, 99 patients had Candida bloodstream infections for a prevalence of 6.9 per 1000 patients. Sixty-one patients had candidemia alone and 38 patients had combined bloodstream infections. Candida albicans (n = 70) was the predominant species. Primary therapy included monotherapy with fluconazole (n = 39), caspofungin (n = 16), and a polyene-based product (n = 12). Combination therapy was infrequently used (n = 10). Compared with patients with Gram-positive (n = 420) and Gram-negative (n = 264) bloodstream infections, patients with candidemia were more likely to have solid tumors (p < .05) and appeared to have been in an intensive care unit longer (14 days [range, 5-25 days], 8 days [range, 3-20 days], and 10 days [range, 2-23 days], respectively), but this difference was not statistically significant. Severity of illness and organ dysfunction scores were similar between groups. Patients with Candida bloodstream infections, compared with patients with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bloodstream infections, had the greatest crude intensive care unit mortality rates (42.6%, 25.3%, and 29.1%, respectively) and longer intensive care unit lengths of stay (median [interquartile range]) (33 days [18-44], 20 days [9-43], and 21 days [8-46], respectively); however, these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Candidemia remains a significant problem in intensive care units patients. In the EPIC II population, Candida albicans was the most common organism and fluconazole remained the predominant antifungal agent used. Candida bloodstream infections are associated with high intensive care unit and hospital mortality rates and resource use